Installation of several instances
The user can add OrderSprinter instances on the start page of OrderSprinter Spider. There is no limit in the number - if he has 1001 restaurants to control he can add 1001 instances... Each instance is defined by some settings:
- Name: This is free name that best describes the restaurant. This name is needed to identify the restaurant on the report pages.
- Webadresse: OrderSprinter is a web-based application. To access an OrderSprinter instance the web address (URL) is needed.
- Fernzugriffscode: Each OrderSprinter instance is protected by a remote access code that can be set on the administration page of that instance. If the code was is not set a remote access by Spider is impossible.
- Basic Authentication Benutzer und Password: If you want to be very sure that no unauthorized people can access an OrderSprinter instance you can protect the whole web page container with a user and a password. Most providers use the concept of Basic Authentication for this protection. The values for user and password can be entered in these fields.
The reports from each instance will be generated in an endless loop. The frquency in which the instances are requested to deliver their data can be set on the start page, too.

The Overview
The software has several tabs to keep the information organized. In the overview tab (Übersicht) the summary data for each instance is displayed. In this example two restaurants have been defined:

Details and Message tabs
In the tab Details the detailed report for a selected instance can be displayes. In addition there is a possibility to send messages to all waiters (waiters see the messages in the waiters view when they start the ordering process), and also it is possible to send messages to all users that will displayed after the log in of a user of that instance:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me: s.pichel@ordersprinter.de
Stefan Pichel, July 2015